How to create an Autorun file for a CD?

<p>Its boring always using My Computer section to open a CD. Thats why we can create an Autorun file for that CD and run the CD automatically</p>
3 answers

Create a CD that will autorun

 To create a CD that will auto-run is actually very simple. All you need to do is to create the file ‘AUTORUN.INF’ in the CD's root directory and put some simple commands in the file to indicate what you want to be auto-run. The file ‘AUTORUN.INF is a simple text file - so use notepad to edit it.The ‘AUTORUN.INF’ file must start with the following line:


It can then include any of the following (optional) commands - with each command placed on a separate line:icon=icon.icoSpecifies the name of the icon file that will be used by explorer as the icon for that CD.This may be the name of an executable file that contains an icon. If the executable contains more than one icon then an optional index field can be specified to indicate which icon to use:icon=iconfile,indexlabel=text label Text label that will be displayed against the CD within the command that is to be autorun when the CD is first inserted. It may include a path and any arguments.ShellExecute=datafileSpecifies an application or data file that is to be opened. Windows will launch the application associated with that file type to open the datafile.Note: ShellExecute is not supported under older versions of Windows (i.e. under Windows 95 or Window 98). For example to create a CD that will autorun the program ‘setup.exe’ would require an AUTORUN.INF file similar to:


To create a CD that will autorun to open the html file ‘index.htm’ would require:


However, since some older versions of Windows do not support ‘ShellExecute’ a less elegant alternative would be:

open=command /c start index.htm

Be aware that the use of ‘command’ and ‘start’ restrict this to machines running Windows.   

Creating an Autorun file for a CD

1) we open notepad  2) now we write: [autorun] OPEN=INSTALL\Setup_filename.EXE ICON=INSTALL\Setup_filename.EXE   Now save it but not as a .txt file but as a .inf file. But remember! The "Setup_filename.EXE" MUST be replaced with the name of the setup file. And we also need to rember that it is not all of the setup files there are called '.exe but some are called '.msi 3) Now burn our CD with the autorun .inf file included. 4) Now set the CD in you CD drive and wait for the autorun to begin  

Create Autorun file for CD

To create an autorun file for a CD you just create a text editor and write into the file: [AutoRun]OPEN= <root>\<filename> <optional parameter> ICON= <root>\<filename>Of course you have to change the extension to .inf -> So the file is named AUTORUN.inf You can also create an autorun file with some burning tools, like WinOn CD, etc...
