Installation of an iCal Server on Mac OS X Leopard

Apple’s description of the iCal Server installation process is very scarce. Apple’s Directory service is required to authenticate users and a correct DNS configuration is required to enable Directory service. DNS is a problem if you have a local network installed with Airport.
2 answers

Installing and using iCal Server

  1. When configuring Mac OS X Leopard Server, three options are available: standard, workgroup and advanced configuration. Advanced is to be used if an iCal Server shall be hosted
  2. A correct defined DNS is necessary.
    • In the program ServerAdmin select the service DNS
    • In the program ServerAdmin in the DNS part add a new primary zone (e.g.
    • Add a record for the computer hosting the iCal server (e.g. server results in the fully qualified name of ""
  3. Users have to defined in Open Directory (a kind of LDAP server) that can access the iCal server.
    • In the program ServerAdmin select the service Open Directory
    • In the program ServerAdmin in the Open Directory create a master directory
    • A kerberos server for authorization will be created if Open Directory is started. The Kerberos realm in our example is "SERVER.TECHSCREEN.AT"
    • If the state of Kerberos is "not working" after start of Open Directory then the DNS was not configured correctly
  4. Add a user
  • In the program workgroup manager add a user that may have access to the iCal server (e.g. student with password "Reine")
  • In the Advanced tab enable calendaring for this user
  • Enabling iCal Server
    • In the settings of the programm ServerAdmin select the service iCal
    • In the programm ServerAdmin in the iCal part select a domain name such as ""
    • Do not select SSL unless you have a real certificate, otherwise no access to the server is possible
  • Access from a Mac OS X client to the iCal Server
    • In the program Directory Service add the name of the server (i.e.
    • In the iCal program select settings|accounts and add user (e.g. student) and the password
    • Now a calendar is shown in iCal. The name of the calendar can be changed and new events can be entered. Every other user that knows about the user name and the password can now access this calendar. This should be also possible fro other programs supporting iCal and CalDAV


    iCal Server Installation

    For iCal Server users have to authorize