
Some packages have to be included in the preamble to support it, as shown below.

%In the preamble section include the arabtex and utf8 packages

%start encoding to unicode
%Note that your layout must support arabic text when compiling
%To start typing in Arabic use the command arabtext
السَلامُ عَليكم ورَحمةُ الله وبَركاته

Some packages have to be included in the preamble to support it, and it should be written as shown below:

%In the preamble section include the arabtex and utf8 packages

%start encoding to unicode
%Note that your layout must support arabic text when compiling
%To start typing in Arabic use the command arabtext
\<السَلامُ عَليكم ورَحمةُ الله وبَركاته >

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