Use the DB2 comandlineTool

The meaning of Errorcodes can be found by doing this:
? sqlxxxx,
using the DB2 comandlineTool, where xxxx is the Errorcode of your message.
for the example above it would be:
? sql-803.

Answer: Duplicate key value specified.

The meaning of DB2 ErrorCodes ?

If there occurs an SQLException in your code, well - DB2 will add some cryptic infocodes to help you. these look like: "DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -803, SQLSTATE: 23505." -> so -where can we find a human readable explaination to these codes without starting the IBM Webpage in an extra browserwindow using the SQLCODE search ? this could be found on: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v5r3/index.jsp?topic=/rzala/rzalafinder.htm OK but... We dont want to use a browser everytime we get an exception so ?

Date format in IBM DB2 Databases ?

Sometimes there is a need for a DATE-format for a field in IBM DB2 Databases... well Its not that easy like when using Oracle DBs, so what will we have to do to archieve a usable dateformat ? Well isnĀ“t there an easy prepared function we could use ? NO. so what ?

Database transfer while installing IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0

IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0 is one of the main product in WebSphere Software family and we use it as a prototype of our corporate portal. Installing IBM Websphere Portal 6.0 and using DB2 (Fixpack 11) as a Database we have faced a problem that process of transferring Data from Cloudscape Database to DB2 Database always hangs.
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