
How can you filter the visibilty of entries in a view based on the users role?

During the exerciese solution, we came to the point, where we wanted to implement "[...] a view where your instances are listed and [...] where different user groups see different content because the groups have different privileges.". After a long search, we discovered that there is a module called "View Published Or Rols", which allows to add user information like a user type to the filter value. After we installed this module, we tried to make a filter using filter groups which looked as follows: Role = Trainer AND filter_visibility = trainer OR Role = Organizer AND filter_visibility = organizer. We expected that the trainer only see the trainer stuff and the organizer only the organizer stuff. But unfortunaly, this was not the case. The trainer worked correctly, but the organizer didn't. There, all entries were shown. With this, the programm gave us some error messages, which we fixed as described here [1]. Does anyone have a better solution how to filter on user roles? [1] https://www.drupal.org/project/views/issues/2895324
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