
How to install Windows 7 ISO from bootable USB stick

    To make a copy of your Windows 7 ISO file:
  • Click the Windows START button, and click WINDOWS 7 USB/DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL in the ALL PROGRAMS list to open the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool.
  • In the SOURCE FILE box, type the name and path of your Windows 7 ISO file, or click BROWSE and select the file from the OPEN dialog box. Click NEXT.
  • Select USB DEVICE to create a copy on a USB flash drive or select DVD disk to create a copy on a DVD disk.
  • If you are copying the file to a USB flash drive, select your USB device in the drop-down list and click BEGIN COPYING. If you are copying the file up to a DVD, click BEGIN BURNING.


How to install Windows 7 ISO from bootable USB stick

Often it is not possible to install the OS (Windows 7) from DVD. Sometimes devices dont have a dvd drive or you have only the ISO dowloaded from the Microsoft Download store. With USB installation you can save time but you need a USB stick with at least 4 <ul> <li> you need at least a 4GB USB STICK</li> <li> a original Windows 7 DVD or an ISO image, with another tool you can also create an ISO image</li> <li>you pc or notebook must support booting from an USB device, you can check and change this settings in the BIOS otherwise you have to look into the namual</li> </ul>

Transfer contacts from Nokia Phone (Symbian) to Google Phone (Android)

In the company I worked, I used Windows, Outllok and Nokia Phone N97mini. During that time I managed all my contacts at my company phone, which was used as private phone too. There is the standard tool from Nokia to synchronize contacts between Windows Outlook and the phone, called "PC Suite". In fact with PC suite there is much more possible, e.g. writing SMS messages on the PC (which is much more convinient). Unfortunately there is no such tool for the Android driven Google phone, so one cannot easily transfer the contacts stored in outlook to Android. Additionally my private computer runs with Linux, while the company computer is Windows driven. I want to transfer the contacts from my Nokia Phone to the Android-phone (Google Nexus).

Viewing medical data (CT pictures) on Linux

I recently had to visit a CT institute to produce a series of CT-pictures depicting the internals of my nose (and parts of the head as well). The result was a series of about 120 pictures, each picture showing a small slice of the interesting region. They can be used by a medical doctor to examine the structure of the region of interest for example to prepare for a surgery. In theory it is also possible to create a 3D-model of the recorded region. The institute provided me with the on-paper pictures as well with a CD, containing the examination-results in a dedicated format, called DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine). The CD also contains a windows-program to instantly show the results on screen of a windows-computer. But... I do not use windows. How to show them in Linux?

Run MobileWorks with Python at Windows

  • Download and install Python (Version 2.7.5), DO NOT download Python 3.x, mobileworks does not work with it.
  • Download distribute 0.6.49, extract the zip to any arbitrary path. After extracting the files, switch to the distribute folder and run the following command:

    >> python
    After the setup has finished successfully, there should exist a “Scripts” folder in your python installation path. E.g.”C:\Python27\Scripts”

  • Switch to the “Scripts” folder und run the following command:

    >> easy_install.exe pip
    Now should have successfully installed the python paketmanager – pip.

  • As last step you now should get the mobileworks package by executing the following command:

    >> pip install mobileworks
    After the installation succeeded you are able to execute your mobileworks code the following way:

  • >> pyton

Example file:

# import the MobileWorks library
import mobileworks as mw
# to switch to the sandbox
# provide your username/password
mw.username = 'username'
mw.password = 'password'
# create a task object
t = mw.Task(instructions="This question is created with Python2.7")
# set some parameters
# add the required fields
t.add_field("Name", "t")
# finally, post it and get the url of the newly created task
task_url =
print task_url

[I had this problem a while ago and solved it this way. You can find my original blog post at]


How to run MobileWorks with Python at Windows?

I need to get MobileWorks running with Python at Windows. Therefore I have a couple of questions: <ul> <li>What are the necessary steps to do?</li> <li>What do I have to install?</li> <li>In which order do I have to install which tool?</li> </ul>

Netstat and Task Manager

Windows offers a small program which by default is already located in the classpath.
Launch the Windows Command Line by pressing Windowsbutton+R and typing "cmd".
Then type "netstat -ano" which will bring up a list of all active connections on your machine with the process ids being located in the right most column.
Once you find out which PID is blocking your port, launch the Windows Task Manager and switch to the Processes tab. If the PID is not already displayed you can select View->Select Columns.. and then place a checkmark next to PID.
Find the PID of your port-blocking process in the Task Manager and in the same row look up the process name.


How to use LAN services over the Internet ?

Local Networks have many advantages when it comes to more complicated services like file sharing, remote desktop, network printer usage or NAS. Of course, I could use web space like DropBox, and there might be many other ways to make LAN services available over the internet. But what I am searching for, is an all built-in solution which is secure and easy to use. I want be able to connect several clients together for my LAN services. Not at least, LAN-Party’s without all the disadvantages due do local management and mobility are one of my expectations.

How to sync folders with DropBox more simply !

DropBox is a nice tool and offers many features compared to other web space services. But it offers no advanced synchronization features for your OS. I have many folders such as my Firefox Bookmarks, University Files, etc., which I would like to backup in DropBox in order to use them, always up to date, on my PCs and Laptop. Of course, I could copy each folder manually to my DropBox folder, but that’s not what I call user friendly. I want an more efficient way to manage my synchronizations with DropBox.

Ports blocked under Windows

Sometimes when you want to install a service or launch a program (ie. apache or glassfish) on your Windows PC the port required by that program is already in use. Windows gives you no further information on the issue other than "in use".



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