>> python distribute_setup.py
After the setup has finished successfully, there should exist a “Scripts” folder in your python installation path. E.g.”C:\Python27\Scripts”
>> easy_install.exe pip
Now should have successfully installed the python paketmanager – pip.
>> pip install mobileworks
After the installation succeeded you are able to execute your mobileworks code the following way:
Example file: file1.py
# import the MobileWorks library
import mobileworks as mw
# to switch to the sandbox
# provide your username/password
mw.username = 'username'
mw.password = 'password'
# create a task object
t = mw.Task(instructions="This question is created with Python2.7")
# set some parameters
# add the required fields
t.add_field("Name", "t")
# finally, post it and get the url of the newly created task
task_url = t.post()
print task_url
[I had this problem a while ago and solved it this way. You can find my original blog post at http://www.manuelmertl.com/mobileworks-python-windows/]
Windows offers a small program which by default is already located in the classpath.
Launch the Windows Command Line by pressing Windowsbutton+R and typing "cmd".
Then type "netstat -ano" which will bring up a list of all active connections on your machine with the process ids being located in the right most column.
Once you find out which PID is blocking your port, launch the Windows Task Manager and switch to the Processes tab. If the PID is not already displayed you can select View->Select Columns.. and then place a checkmark next to PID.
Find the PID of your port-blocking process in the Task Manager and in the same row look up the process name.