This article solves the following challenge:
The script goes as follows#!/bin/bash
xinput set-int-prop 'name_of_device' "Device disabled" 8 0
to disable the touchpad or#!/bin/bash
xinput set-int-prop 'name_of_device' "Device enabled" 8 1
to enable it (replace name_of_device with the name of your device, keep the ').
The scripts should be saved as a .sh files at a location of convinience.
To find the name of the device to dis/enable writexinput --list
into a terminal. Now identify the right device.
To be able to easily execute your file maneuver to its location with the terminal then writechmod +x filename
where filename is the name of your file.
From that point it is enough to type./filename
into the terminal at the file's location.
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