
Receive HTTP 500 error after accessing wordpress page

I developed a wordpress website for our company. It has always worked perfectly but today I entered the URL in the browser but I only received the HTTP 500 error message. What can be the reason for this exception when there is nothing changed for months expect updates of the plugins and the theme?

In this case the error code 401 Unauthorized will be the right HTTP error code, because the existing session token doesn't authorize you any more. Sending the error code 404 is incorrect, because the resource still exists but you aren't currently authorized to see it. Actually a session token is only a shortcut to avoid providing credentials for every request.

HTTP error code when session token expires

After login to the web site there is a token valid for 15 minutes. In this time you are able to work on the side. After this 15 minutes the session token gets invalid. Which HTTP error code is correct? Actually we are using the 404 error code is this correct?


Is there a possibility to implement SOAP communication with C++? There should be established toolkits or libraries which allow to implement such communication if one uses only Standard C++ including STL.


Debug and test network applications

The Challenge is to control the exact form of the HTTP request. The user wants to specify the request URL, HTTP method, request headers, and message body (where applicable, e.g. when using the POST method). The HTTP Client supports both HTTP and HTTPS. Note that the current HTTPS implementation does not perform any SSL validity checking (i.e. is the server cert trusted?; does the cert match the hostname?; has the cert expired?; etc.), and there is currently no mechanism to support two-way SSL (client and server cert authentication).

Remote access for data collection from production equipment through SOAP and HTTP

Production equipment produces lots of data due to mounted sensors, positions of switches, state changes, etc. For reasons of process analysis those data are critical to be collected also remotely through a secure internet connection. The set of collected data or sampling rates may deviate from one analysis scenario to another. It might be different whether data are collected during material processing (active) or while the equipment is idle (stand by). Therefore, it shall be possible to deplay, activate, deactivate and retract particular data collection scenarios. As the equipment's structure is not implicitly known to the data receiver (e.g. maintenance engineer), it is necessary that equipment provides a self-description of its structure, parameters, state-machines, events and alarms. Moreover, due to Access through the internet, there shall be also a concept of granted access.

Change data sent using POST method of HTTP

The main HTTP methods used for sending data to the web server are GET and POST method. When using the <strong>GET method</strong>, the data is encoded directly in the requested URL, specifically to the query part of it. The query part starts with a question mark and consists of pairs key, value in a form <code>key=value</code>, the pairs are divided by an ampersand. For instance to inform the web server that a user wants to log off, quite often the URL of the form <code>index.php?action=logout</code> is used. Therefore it is very easy to change the sent data. The <strong>POST method</strong> uses the body of the HTTP message to store the data. The user has no direct possibility to change the data. We want to find an easy way to do so.

Speed up parsing HTML pages in Python

Using a command-line Python utility a website is queried and parsed, consecutively other websites are queried and parsed. Loading and parsing each website takes a considerable amount of time. For loading the websites <code>urllib2</code> is used and for parsing them <code>BeautifulSoup</code> is used.

Search engine and user friendly CodeIgniter URLs

<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">CodeIgniter is a PHP based programming framework which implements the model-view-controller paradigm. All HTTP requests have to pass the central index.php file (provided by CI) which initiates the framework controllers to load the views and render a site. So it is not possible to directly call a specific site by entering its URL. To open a specific site the according controller has to be called by passing its name as HTTP-Get-Variable to the central index.php. As a consequence every HTTP request is redirected to one single file and the URLs always contain variables which make them search engine and user unfriendly.</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
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