
E-Mail Filters

Many people get huge amounts of mail every day. It can be painful to sort, categorize and handle all those mails manually. Furthermore, it costs a lot of valuable time that you could spend elsewhere. However, there is an automatic approach that can save you a lot of this time: E-Mail Filtering <strong>Challenge:</strong> <ul><li>Choose an E-Mail client (either desktop client or web mail)</li> <li><strong>Create the following filters:</strong></li><li>a filter that automatically labels mails from with "TU" or moves them to a folder called "TU"</li><li>a filter that sends unwanted mails (containing words of your choice) to the spam folder</li><li>a filter that marks e-mails containing the words "Knowledge Management" as important (e.g. by flagging or starring)</li></ul>
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