
Overleaf project share

Many university projects request LaTex as preferred or even demanded task submission format. Since ShareLaTeX didn't quite work out for many colleagues of mine, another more simple and user friendly option established and pushed through. That is Overleaf, online LaTeX text editor. Apart from the fact that two of those lately connected powers, the problem of sharing and working on the same document turned out not being a part of the free "trial" version. There are two options offered to share a document: link sharing and e-Mail invitation. e-Mail invitation as a naturally logical sharing option is unfortunately not working.

Using TeXstudio for Creating LaTeX Documents

TeXstudio is an integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents. TeXstudio has numerous features like syntax-highlighting, integrated viewer, reference checking and various assistants. By using TeXstudio writing LaTeX is very easy and comfortable. Most of the LaTeX commands can be easily added to the documents by using the menu-bars or buttons of the TeXstudio. Therefore, by using TeXstudio, there is no need to remember all LaTeX commands and one can completely focus on writing.


Use latexdiff utility with "flatten" flag to see differences between two latex based documents

In order to see differences between two latex generated documents, one can use a program called latexdiff:

latexdiff is a Perl script and requires an installation of Perl 5.8 or higher.

If you are a Windows user, you will have to go through the following setup to get latexdiff working on your machine:

1) Install Perl
2) Download latexdiff from CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network)
3) Unzip the latexdiff files and copy them to the Perl > bin folder (default installation in C: drive)

Mac OS X includes an installation of Perl and no additional setup is required. latexdiff can be found in any CTAN repository in TeX Live Utility.

It is important to use --flatten which makes latexdiff recursively operate on any included .tex files. Then use command line like that:
latexdiff --flatten v1.tex v2.tex > diff.tex

where v1.tex is one version (older) and v2.tex is changed (newer) version. diff.tex is then a tex file that is produces as an output.


Use balance package to trim two columns to the same length in latex

To reformat the two columns to be the same length you can use a package called Balance it is imported at the beginning of the latex file where all other packages are imported to. To import the package you have to write “\usepackage{balance}”. At the end of the document where you want the two columns to be the same length you insert “\balance”. This automatically formats the document every time it is created.


Make specific subitems in Latex

I want to make an own enumeration with more deepness. Not only one subitem, maybe some more. The problem is, how can I manage it and which justifications have to be done in my latex files?


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