
Unfortunately it is impossible to connect the mobile phone directly to the internet, using only a wire connection to the laptop. The possible solution, that could be useful, is to make your laptop itself as a WiFi access point. Here is some short example how to do that on Windows. First of all you need to check if the WiFi network adapter in the laptop supports the so-called Hosted Network mode. To do that you need to run a command-line command "netsh wlan show drivers". If in the field "Hosted network supported" you see yes, then it is possible. Next, to actually create an access point you need to run the following commands in the command prompt in administrator mode:
-netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=WiFiName key=12345
where you may choose which name your WiFi access point will have (ssid) and your secret password to access it (key).
-netsh wlan start hostednetwork
and this command eventually starts your access point.
Now you need to open network adapter settings on your laptop, choose your LAN internet connection and in the properties,in the Sharing Tab you need to "allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection" and select your created access point


Territorial restriction

When I try to watch videos of pages of other countries an error ocurred because those videos had a territorial restriction. That's a problem when watching news of my home country.

Blocking a website from a computer

Internet is a very useful and powerful tool. Nowadays children learn how to use technology at a very early age, and it is necessary for adults to control what websites minors access and limit access to others or even restrict it for their own security.
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