
EPM Registry Initialization Fails

The EPM Registry initialization fails in the BIDomain domain. Oracle Fusion General Ledger and Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM) code running within the FinancialsDomain and CRMDomain domains, respectively, has direct integration with the EPM Registry API and consumes EPM Security Component, which also tightly integrates with the EPM Registry API. When EPM Registry initialization fails, it greatly impacts communication with downstream EPM products in the BI domain.


A function shall be triggered within the database if a certain record is added to a table.

Complex Queries in CakePHP 2.x

With CakePHP, a MVC-based PHP framework, it is usually very easy to retrieve data from the database table underlying a specific model, as well as in case the tables are connected with each other through their respective model declarations, as these tables are then joined automatically. However, when one wants to join multiple tables within one query and they are not connected through their models (which occurs quite often), then there nevertheless has to be a way to join the desired tables to get the respective data. The goal is to find a way in CakePHP to accomplish this task.

Use of Database for relating user roles to menues

In our application we used the approach to create it flexible by storing the information in database, bascially it consists of 4 tables

UserToRole - Assigns roles to users
ItemToRole - Assigns roles to menuitems

MenuItems may link themselves to upper level items for creating the menu structure. It also contains the ordering of the items. If the menu is built top level items are displayed according to user roles. If the toplevel items have subelements the same check is done again. Each menuItem holds the corresponding links to the jsp pages.


Connect to a Postgresql database and select or edit data through R

I am a R user and want to connect to my postgresql database in order to select data for statistical calculations. Afterwards I would also safe the results into the database. Plain SQL statements would suffice. I am using R 2.12 and postgresql 9.1

Oracle connection error

When you have just installed a database or client Oracle on a computer and want to connect with the parameters that have defined, it generates the error message: ORA-12154: TNS: Could not resolve the connect identifier specified.

Application.LoadCusomUI + xml description

To implement a custom Ribbon element we have to describe it using an XML file defined by the Microsoft CustomUI schema and load it using the Application.LoadCustomUI() procedure.

The root element of the XML file is customUI. Inside of it there is the element ribbon containing all the tabs, buttons etc.

A code snippet for loading of the xml file:

Dim f As Long
Dim strText As String
Dim strOut As String

f = FreeFile
Open "\customUI.xml" For Input As f

Do While Not EOF(f)
Line Input #f, strText
strOut = strOut & strText

Application.LoadCustomUI "AppRibbon_1", strOut

Sample XML file:

<customUI xmlns="">
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id="Tab1" label="Tab1">
<group id="Group" label="Group">
<button id="MyButton1" label="Button1" imageMso="_1"
<button id="MyButton2" label="Button2" imageMso="_2"
<group id="Group2" label="Group2">
<button id="MyButton3" label="Button3" imageMso="_1"


Add a custom Ribbon to a database in Access 2007

Ribbon was introduced in Microsoft Office 2007 as part of its "Fluent User Interface" and has became a well known and quite often used part of graphical user interface of applications (specifically on MS Windows). In MS Access prior the 2007 version the user interface of an database application was implemented by standard GUI elements such as forms, buttons, menus and context menus. The users of MS Office 2007 are used to work with Ribbon and are familiar with its advantages e.g. its shortcut system, we want to provide them with a custom Ribbon interface of Access 2007 database application.

Access Database 2010 Portability

There is a case with a very small company that has recently operated from a database in Access 2010 made in two layers (database programs and link to another database with the data.) They would be interested in its portability to the web. The question is: Given that the number of users are few, up to 5 or 6. Sharepoint, web services, MS Office Comunications Server 2007 ... What technology / platform would be well, to use logic layer (the program) and link the db on the server? (Customer has a Windows 2003 server and fixed IP).

Preventing SQL-Injection in a Java application

Sql-Injection is a technique to inject (or execute) SQL commands within an application (database). It is mainly used to gain access to a databases content for which one has no authorization. The method injects SQL commands by providing input to a SQL statement which contains SQL meta-characters. Example statement: <strong>select * from user where username='input'</strong> SQL injected input:<strong>user' OR '1'='1</strong> The final statement:<strong>select * from user where username='user' OR '1'='1'</strong> Since 1 always equals 1, this statement would return all the users in the database! Depending on the SQL command, an attacker could insert, modify, extract and delete data in the database.


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